The Pueblo Means Business (PMB) online network is a centralized platform connecting applicants to a process guide, routing, plan review, permitting, inspection and other business resources.

Getting started is easy!

A one-stop-shop that connects businesses to processes and resources in a centralized online platform.
Go to Permit Portal

Built for Those Doing
Business in Pueblo

Contractors, Businesses and Property Owners

Track Everything in One Account

Create an account to track all of your plan reviews, permitting, inspections and more.

Get Access to Business Resources

Explore business resources and tools to help you manage your projects.

How it Works

Introducing Pueblo’s virtual one-stop-shop for permitting needs in Pueblo County. Created with collaboration from Pueblo County, the City of Pueblo, Pueblo Regional Building Department and Pueblo West Metropolitan District and over 40 other permitting entities, Pueblo Means Business will use a online platform to streamline all of your permitting needs.

Regardless of your project, you can use Pueblo Means Business to guide you through the permitting process to ensure you’ve checked off all to-do list to get your building permit efficiently.

Pueblo Means Business is also here to help you with your business resource needs. If you are a new business, looking to start a business or own a business in Pueblo County, we are here to support you by finding local resources to get you in the right direction with the right resources.
Screenshot of permitting platform showing an example of a permit in it's many stages

Our partners

Pueblo County logoCity of Pueblo logoPueblo West Metro logo
Choose Pueblo logo
Greater Pueblo Chamber of Commerce
Latino Chamber of Commerce
Pueblo Economic Development Corp.
Pueblo West Chamber of Commerce
Small Business Development Center
Southern Colorado Innovation Link
Workforce Center
Avondale Water & Sanitation
Beulah Fire
Black Hills Electric
Blende Sanitation
City of Pueblo Planning
City of Pueblo Public Works
City of Pueblo Stormwater
City of Pueblo Transportation
City of Pueblo Wastewater
Colorado City Metro District
Colorado Natural Gas
Fire Department

Mountain View Electric
Pueblo City Fire Department
Pueblo County Assessor
Pueblo County Planning
Pueblo County Roads and Bridges
Pueblo County Storm Water
Pueblo County Treasurer
Pueblo Department of Public Health
Pueblo Department of Public Health - Septic
Pueblo Regional Building Dept
Pueblo Regional Building Dept - Quick Issue
Pueblo Rural Fire
Pueblo Water

Pueblo West Community Development
Pueblo West Engineering
Pueblo West Fire
Pueblo West Water/Sewer
Rye Fire
Salt Creek Sanitation
San Isabel Electric
Southeast Power
St Charles Mesa Water
St. Charles Mesa Sanitation
Town of Boone
West Park Fire Dept
Xcel Energy

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question? Let us know!

Wally Wallace

Who is the Pueblo Means Business for?

Pueblo Means Business is built for contractors, property Owners and businesses primarily for permitting and help with business resources.

What powers the platform?

Each partner captures their data electronically via a submission form and passes that into a single access point account for users to review their project’s status, resources and action items.

What does the platform combine?

The platform combines multiple processes, data and services from local agencies and providers.

How is data shared between partner agencies?

The platform utilizes a data exchange via a regular file update, direct API connections, as well as shared use cases and workflows between Pueblo County, the City of Pueblo, Pueblo West Metro District, and Pueblo Regional Building Department.

What doesn’t Pueblo Means Business offer?

Pueblo Means Business doesn’t offer sales tax or business licenses. These would still be obtained directly from the State of Colorado and the City of Pueblo.